A hub for care and empowerment
for LGBTQIA+ and allies


Health & Care (MACS )

The Rainbowhouse for Health (MACS - Maison arc-en-ciel de la Santé) is a health center for LGBTQIA+ people. This project is sustained by Ex Æquo , Genres Pluriels and Tels Quels which are all known for their psycho-medico-social services, for their ability to direct people to LGBTQIA+ friendly health professionals and for their trainings of health professionals. These three associations have now moved a part of their offices and/or activities to les Grands Carmes.
A new LGBTQIA+ hub in Brussels
Education center
Our members & partners are key actors in the anti-discrimination & professional education in Belgium.
Cultural spaces
Here, LGBTQIA+ & allies can find a place for expression, culture & celebration.
A place for Health
A unique inclusive health center for LGBTQIA+ is being built here. (MACS).
Culture, education & community :
Occupy the space

Grands Carmes is a space at the disposal of the LGBTQIA+ community and allies that share values of promoting diversity, care and information against discrimination.
With the help of many, Grands Carmes is in charge of creating a welcoming space and sustainable model of a collaborative hub.
Everyone that shares those values is welcome to ask/rent the spaces, organize events, offer collaborative projects and join the discussion for a common future.
At your disposal :
1 associative Café (60p)
1 stage room ( 100p)
2 Medium room (15-20 p)
1 Small meeting room (8p)
1 Courtyard (100p)

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